Monday, June 6, 2011

Freezing To Death in Florida!

So let me start by saying that this is a true story, it really happened and that while I can definitely laugh at it now it was definitely very scary.

Last week on Wednesday I was at work at The Master's Academy starting the first week of summer camp as a counselor. I was sent to go on a hunt for some ice cream that was to be in a freezer in the cafeteria.. I soon discovered that the only freezer that was left on for the summer and that the ice cream could be in was the walk-in freezer in the back of the cafeteria. Coach, my boss for the summer and the leader for the summer camp came to help me find the ice cream in the freezer and bring it over. He opened the door of the walk-in freezer and found another walk-in freezer within, which is where we found the ice cream we were looking for. All this time the freezer door staying open. Next I walk in to assist in making sure we have the ice cream and know how much we have, as I turn to go get a cart to load the ice cream on I realize the door of the freezer has shut with us inside. I push on the door and say 'Coach, is there a way to get out from inside of the freezer?!'. He gives me this look of panic and we both pause. We then both pull out our phones and start to panic cause we have no service, we both tried to call out with no luck and I even tried to text with no luck. I'm a logical person so I say 'There has to be a way out from the inside of a freezer!'. We look around and take a minute to think, at this point in shorts and a t-shirt I'm already freezing and thinking that there is no way I could last 20min.....30min or even longer in here before they know we are in here or notice that we haven't come back with the ice cream. We both start to panic a little more, my adrenaline starts to kick in and I start to shake even more. I even asked if we could turn the fan off in the freezer to make it warmer but it looks like that wont even work. Coach starts to bang on the walls but I know there is no one even in the same building we are in that will hear us. I say again 'there has to be a way out from inside', so we search and find a label that says 'To get out from the inside' with directions......But of course the label is ripped (its like a scene from a We try to read as much as we can and try moving this metal bar on the door but the door still doesn't open. Finally Coach thinks to close the second freezer door and see if there is a label on that one....THANK GOD there is so finally we read it, turn the bar and push the door out and the door OPENS. I pretty much ran out of that
This is an experience I will never forget. I can definitely say that for a few minutes I thought that we were not going to get out of there our selves and that no one was going to find us in there until it was to late. Thinking back on it, it's quite funny and something you only think will happen in the movies.

Lets just say I will never walk into a walk-in freezer again...hahahaha.

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