Friday, February 3, 2012

My Deers......

About two months ago I went camping with some friends on a weekend and had an awesome encounter with some FL deer. We had all gone to sleep late and as a descent riser I was the first to get up. I delightfully found ten deer hanging out around our camp as I got up and was able to take in their movements and watch them. Even as I started to move around to observe, take pictures and get closer they only kept an eye on me, not moving. I got to spend about 20 minutes with them, just them and me  until they decided to move on.

Only a couple of weeks ago yet another encounter with some deer happened. While leading a youth Ski Retreat to Snowshoe West Virginia, I was headed back to the slopes with 22 pb&j sandwiches for the youth when it happened. All of a sudden I turn around and there is a deer following me, even jogs up to me when I stop. Guess she wanted the food I was carrying.

Both encounters made my days and allowed me to watch some graceful animals God put on this earth, giving me blessings and joy!